Modesty Looks Pretty On You

You know what’s beautiful?


It’s you when you’ve come to the point of acceptance where you are content with how God made you – a lady with all your strengths and flaws; a lady whose heart is grateful to be one.

But you didn’t know that, did you?

Because all you know is the kind of beauty that is defined by magazines and celebrities who, themselves, don’t understand what real beauty is.
They made us believe you have to be this thin, and this tall, and this shape, and this fair.
They told us you must have long eyelashes, and a pointed nose, and dimpled cheeks, and a flawless face, and cherry lips.
They say, you have to show some skin, and turn heads around, and steal attention for you to be beautiful.
Because in this world’s runway, to be beautiful is to be loved.

But they lied to us!

They didn’t tell us, being beautiful is not enough.
Until we find out that the competition this world has set is an impossible game where nobody wins but jealousy.
They hide from us the life’s Manual where we can find what real beauty means.
Until we meet Jesus along the way and until He takes our hands in His, telling us the loudest, “You are worth it,” without saying a word because His nail-pierced hands have already spoken to our hearts.
They denied from us this reality:
You don’t have to compete because the love that God offers is not a prize to earn but a gift to accept.
You don’t have to strive so hard to be beautiful because beauty isn’t equal to worth: beauty varies but your worth is settled.
You don’t have to dress up like the world because you are not of the world but of the Lord.
The world will tell you everything just to get you naked so it can take away the glory of how your Creator has clothed you.
And you know why the world is working so hard to convince you that modesty looks funny and old, and homely?
Because the world is so insecure of a woman whose worth is secured in the eyes of God and is wise enough to know that she doesn’t have to be desperate to catch attention just to catch affection; a woman whose conviction cannot be shaken by opinion, a woman who reflects the glory of her Father without trying to show off her light but just by her Christ-like presence.
This is what the world tries to hide from us from the very beginning:
that modesty looks so pretty on you!

Oh, precious woman whose price is far above rubies! What are you so ashamed about it?!

Wear your identity with honor and humility.
Modesty is beautiful and so are you!

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.

1 Timothy 2:9

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

Published by rachelligraphy

I wanted to be a voice for Christian women who lack the courage and the freedom to speak for Jesus! For if there would be any reason for thoughts and words to be published, it is nothing else than to give glory to my God, the Author and the Giver of it.

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